Control and Supervisory authorities

Zwilag applies a diverse and well-established quality management system to control its operations. The applicable statutory requirements must be met at all times. Nuclear safety, protection against radiation and the proper treatment of radioactive waste are comprehensively regulated by Swiss legislation. The Federal authorities are primarily responsible for the implementation of these laws.
Swiss Federal Office of Energy
The Federal Council approves applications to build, operate and change nuclear power plants. Within the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) is involved in the approval procedure carried out in compliance with nuclear energy legislation and prepares the decisions of the Federal Council. It issues transport licences for nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. The SFOE is also responsible for the checking and accounting of fissionable materials in accordance with international regulations. It prepares concepts for the disposal of radioactive waste and nuclear energy legislation.
Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate
The Federal Council and the SFOE base their decisions on expert opinions prepared by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI). Although this supervisory authority is a Swiss government institution established under public law with its own legal identity and ist mainly financed through supervisory levies. ENSI supervises and assesses nuclear safety and radiation protection at the Swiss nuclear power plants, including the facilities where radioactive waste is treated and stored. ENSI carries out inspections, monitors the technical safety systems and compliance with the regulations, imposes the conditions that must be met by the operators, and informs the public. Zwilag keeps ENSI informed about all operational issues relevant to safety and quality control.
Federal Office of Public Health
In Switzerland, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Radiation Protection Ordinance. It issues permits for dealing with radioactive matter and monitors compliance with their requirements. Together with the Paul Scherrer Institute, the FOPH also coordinates and supervises the disposal of radioactive waste from research, health care and industrial applications.