Zwilag Zwischenlager Würenlingen AG is a stock company with its registered office in Würenlingen in the Canton of Aargau. The Board of Directors is responsible for the organisational structure and commercial interests as well as the supervision of the persons entrusted with the management of the company. The Board of Directors of Zwilag consists of representatives of the companies that own Zwilag as well as a representative of the local municipality. The members of the Board of Directors are elected for a term of office of three years. They can be re-elected.

Bruno Ulrich
The General Manager is responsible for all administrative, technical and operational matters. He maintains relationships with the suppliers of waste, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) and the cantonal and municipal authorities.
Board of Directors (remaining term of office 2024 - 2026)
Michael Kessler, Präsident, Axpo Power AG, Kernkraftwerk Beznau
Stefan Klute, Vizepräsident, BKW Energie AG, Kernkraftwerk Mühleberg
Roland Grüter, Axpo Power AG, Kernkraftwerk Beznau
Renato Keller, Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG
Dr. Thomas Kohler, Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG
Roland Meier, Einwohnergemeinde Würenlingen
René Sarrafian, Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG
Dr. Bruno Zimmermann, Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG